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3.3 Info

These functions are tests for specific file formats. They also show if the format is supported in the linked SDL_image library, assuming you have a valid image of that type.

3.3.3 IMG_isBMP  Test for valid, supportted BMP file
3.3.1 IMG_isCUR  Test for valid, supportted CUR file
3.3.8 IMG_isGIF  Test for valid, supportted GIF file
3.3.2 IMG_isICO  Test for valid, supportted ICO file
3.3.9 IMG_isJPG  Test for valid, supportted JPG file
3.3.12 IMG_isLBM  Test for valid, supportted LBM file
3.3.7 IMG_isPCX  Test for valid, supportted PCX file
3.3.11 IMG_isPNG  Test for valid, supportted PNG file
3.3.4 IMG_isPNM  Test for valid, supportted PNM file
3.3.10 IMG_isTIF  Test for valid, supportted TIF file
3.3.6 IMG_isXCF  Test for valid, supportted XCF file
3.3.5 IMG_isXPM  Test for valid, supportted XPM file
3.3.13 IMG_isXV  Test for valid, supportted XV file

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