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4.4.3 Mix_GroupChannels

int Mix_GroupChannels(int from, int to, int tag)

First Channel number of channels to assign tag to. Must be less or equal to to.
Last Channel number of channels to assign tag to. Must be greater or equal to from.
A group number. Any positive numbers (including zero).
-1 is the default group. Use -1 to remove a group tag essentially.

Add channels starting at from up through to to group tag, or reset it's group to the default group tag (-1).

Returns: The number of tagged channels on success. If that number is less than to-from+1 then some channels were no tagged because they didn't exist.

// add channels 0 through 7 to group 1
if(Mix_GroupChannels(0,7,1)!=8) {
    // some bad channels, apparently some channels aren't allocated

See Also:
4.4.2 Mix_GroupChannel, 4.3.1 Mix_AllocateChannels

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