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4.4 Groups

These functions work with groupings of mixer channels.

The default group tag number of -1, which refers to ALL channels.

4.4.1 Mix_ReserveChannels  Prevent channels from being used in default group
4.4.2 Mix_GroupChannel  Add/remove channel to/from group
4.4.3 Mix_GroupChannels  Add/remove segment of channels to/from group
4.4.4 Mix_GroupCount  Get number of channels in group
4.4.5 Mix_GroupAvailable  Get first inactive channel in group
4.4.6 Mix_GroupOldest  Get oldest busy channel in group
4.4.7 Mix_GroupNewer  Get youngest busy channel in group
4.4.8 Mix_FadeOutGroup  Fade out a group over time
4.4.9 Mix_HaltGroup  Stop a group

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