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4.4.7 Mix_GroupNewer

int Mix_GroupNewer(int tag)

A group number Any positive numbers (including zero).
-1 will search ALL channels.

Find the newest, most recently started, actively playing channel in group tag.

Returns: The channel found on success. -1 is returned when no channels in the group are playing or the group is empty.

// find the newest playing channel in group 1
int channel;
if (channel==-1) {
    // no channel playing or allocated...
    // perhaps just search for an available channel...

See Also:
4.4.6 Mix_GroupOldest, 4.4.5 Mix_GroupAvailable, 4.4.2 Mix_GroupChannel, 4.4.3 Mix_GroupChannels

This document was generated on November, 13 2009 using texi2html