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5.1 Mix_Chunk

typedef struct Mix_Chunk {
    int allocated;
    Uint8 *abuf;
    Uint32 alen;
    Uint8 volume;     /* Per-sample volume, 0-128 */
} Mix_Chunk;

a boolean indicating whether to free abuf when the chunk is freed.
0 if the memory was not allocated and thus not owned by this chunk.
1 if the memory was allocated and is thus owned by this chunk.
Pointer to the sample data, which is in the output format and sample rate.
Length of abuf in bytes.
0 = silent, 128 = max volume. This takes effect when mixing.

The internal format for an audio chunk. This stores the sample data, the length in bytes of that data, and the volume to use when mixing the sample.

See Also:
4.2.7 Mix_VolumeChunk, 4.3.16 Mix_GetChunk, 4.2.3 Mix_LoadWAV, 4.2.4 Mix_LoadWAV_RW, 4.2.8 Mix_FreeChunk, 5.2 Mix_Music

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