/Users/hercules/trunk/SDL/include/SDL_stdinc.h File Reference

#include "SDL_config.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "begin_code.h"
#include <alloca.h>
#include "close_code.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define SDL_arraysize(array)   (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]))
#define SDL_TABLESIZE(table)   SDL_arraysize(table)
#define SDL_reinterpret_cast(type, expression)   ((type)(expression))
#define SDL_static_cast(type, expression)   ((type)(expression))
#define SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(name, x)   typedef int SDL_dummy_ ## name[(x) * 2 - 1]
#define SDL_malloc   malloc
#define SDL_calloc   calloc
#define SDL_realloc   realloc
#define SDL_free   free
#define SDL_stack_alloc(type, count)   (type*)alloca(sizeof(type)*(count))
#define SDL_stack_free(data)
#define SDL_getenv   getenv
#define SDL_putenv   putenv
#define SDL_qsort   qsort
#define SDL_abs   abs
#define SDL_min(x, y)   (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#define SDL_max(x, y)   (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#define SDL_isdigit(X)   isdigit(X)
#define SDL_isspace(X)   isspace(X)
#define SDL_toupper(X)   toupper(X)
#define SDL_tolower(X)   tolower(X)
#define SDL_memset   memset
#define SDL_zero(x)   SDL_memset(&(x), 0, sizeof((x)))
#define SDL_zerop(x)   SDL_memset((x), 0, sizeof(*(x)))
#define SDL_memset4(dst, val, len)
#define SDL_memcpy   memcpy
#define SDL_memcpy4(dst, src, len)   SDL_memcpy(dst, src, (len) << 2)
#define SDL_memmove   memmove
#define SDL_memcmp   memcmp
#define SDL_strlen   strlen
#define SDL_strlcpy   strlcpy
#define SDL_strlcat   strlcat
#define SDL_strdup   strdup
#define SDL_strchr   strchr
#define SDL_strrchr   strrchr
#define SDL_strstr   strstr
#define SDL_itoa(value, string, radix)   SDL_ltoa((long)value, string, radix)
#define SDL_uitoa(value, string, radix)   SDL_ultoa((long)value, string, radix)
#define SDL_strtol   strtol
#define SDL_strtoul   strtoul
#define SDL_strtoll   strtoll
#define SDL_strtoull   strtoull
#define SDL_strtod   strtod
#define SDL_atoi   atoi
#define SDL_atof   atof
#define SDL_strcmp   strcmp
#define SDL_strncmp   strncmp
#define SDL_strcasecmp   strcasecmp
#define SDL_strncasecmp   strncasecmp
#define SDL_sscanf   sscanf
#define SDL_snprintf   snprintf
#define SDL_vsnprintf   vsnprintf
#define SDL_ceil   ceil
#define SDL_copysign   copysign
#define SDL_cos   cos
#define SDL_cosf   cosf
#define SDL_fabs   fabs
#define SDL_floor   floor
#define SDL_log   log
#define SDL_pow   pow
#define SDL_scalbn   scalbn
#define SDL_sin   sin
#define SDL_sinf   sinf
#define SDL_sqrt   sqrt
#define SDL_ICONV_ERROR   (size_t)-1
#define SDL_ICONV_E2BIG   (size_t)-2
#define SDL_ICONV_EILSEQ   (size_t)-3
#define SDL_ICONV_EINVAL   (size_t)-4
#define SDL_iconv_utf8_locale(S)   SDL_iconv_string("", "UTF-8", S, SDL_strlen(S)+1)
#define SDL_iconv_utf8_ucs2(S)   (Uint16 *)SDL_iconv_string("UCS-2", "UTF-8", S, SDL_strlen(S)+1)
#define SDL_iconv_utf8_ucs4(S)   (Uint32 *)SDL_iconv_string("UCS-4", "UTF-8", S, SDL_strlen(S)+1)


typedef int8_t Sint8
 A signed 8-bit integer type.
typedef uint8_t Uint8
 An unsigned 8-bit integer type.
typedef int16_t Sint16
 A signed 16-bit integer type.
typedef uint16_t Uint16
 An unsigned 16-bit integer type.
typedef int32_t Sint32
 A signed 32-bit integer type.
typedef uint32_t Uint32
 An unsigned 32-bit integer type.
typedef int64_t Sint64
 A signed 64-bit integer type.
typedef uint64_t Uint64
 An unsigned 64-bit integer type.
typedef struct _SDL_iconv_t * SDL_iconv_t


enum  SDL_bool { SDL_FALSE = 0, SDL_TRUE = 1 }


 SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT (uint8, sizeof(Uint8)==1)
 SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT (sint8, sizeof(Sint8)==1)
 SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT (uint16, sizeof(Uint16)==2)
 SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT (sint16, sizeof(Sint16)==2)
 SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT (uint32, sizeof(Uint32)==4)
 SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT (sint32, sizeof(Sint32)==4)
 SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT (uint64, sizeof(Uint64)==8)
 SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT (sint64, sizeof(Sint64)==8)
 SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT (enum, sizeof(SDL_DUMMY_ENUM)==sizeof(int))
DECLSPEC void *SDLCALL SDL_revcpy (void *dst, const void *src, size_t len)
DECLSPEC size_t SDLCALL SDL_wcslen (const wchar_t *string)
DECLSPEC char *SDLCALL SDL_strrev (char *string)
DECLSPEC char *SDLCALL SDL_strupr (char *string)
DECLSPEC char *SDLCALL SDL_strlwr (char *string)
DECLSPEC char *SDLCALL SDL_ltoa (long value, char *string, int radix)
DECLSPEC char *SDLCALL SDL_ultoa (unsigned long value, char *string, int radix)
DECLSPEC char *SDLCALL SDL_lltoa (Sint64 value, char *string, int radix)
DECLSPEC char *SDLCALL SDL_ulltoa (Uint64 value, char *string, int radix)
DECLSPEC SDL_iconv_t SDLCALL SDL_iconv_open (const char *tocode, const char *fromcode)
DECLSPEC int SDLCALL SDL_iconv_close (SDL_iconv_t cd)
DECLSPEC size_t SDLCALL SDL_iconv (SDL_iconv_t cd, const char **inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char **outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft)
DECLSPEC char *SDLCALL SDL_iconv_string (const char *tocode, const char *fromcode, const char *inbuf, size_t inbytesleft)

Detailed Description

This is a general header that includes C language support

Define Documentation

#define SDL_memset4 ( dst,
len   ) 


do {                                            \
        unsigned _count = (len);                \
        unsigned _n = (_count + 3) / 4;         \
        Uint32 *_p = SDL_static_cast(Uint32 *, dst);            \
        Uint32 _val = (val);                    \
        if (len == 0) break;                    \
        switch (_count % 4) {                   \
        case 0: do {    *_p++ = _val;           \
        case 3:         *_p++ = _val;           \
        case 2:         *_p++ = _val;           \
        case 1:         *_p++ = _val;           \
                } while ( --_n );               \
        }                                       \
} while(0)

Typedef Documentation

A signed 64-bit integer type.

On platforms without any sort of 64-bit datatype, this is equivalent to Sint32!

An unsigned 64-bit integer type.

On platforms without any sort of 64-bit datatype, this is equivalent to Uint32!

Generated on Mon Sep 21 21:32:25 2009 for Simple DirectMedia Layer by  doxygen 1.5.8